Excel Series: Keyboard shortcuts

Today’s blog post will be short and sweet. Below you will find a printable summary of the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts that will assist you in improving your speed and efficiency in Excel.

Why keyboard shortcuts?

If you had to calculate the amount of time spent scrolling to the end of your worksheet by holding in your down arrow button, versus using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + down arrow), you will find you save 9 hours!

That is a LOT of hours spent scrolling. Now, it is unlikely that you will spend nine hours scrolling to the end of your worksheet. But, if you are moving cells one at a time, and you add up all that wasted time, you may find that you easily waste more than an hour a day (depending on your Excel usage).

Enter keyboard shortcuts. The hero of all heroes!

Everyone knows those Excel Ninjas in the office that spend all their time on the keyboard and none using their mouse and everyone “oohs” and “aahs” at their magic skills. Guess what, you’re going to learn to be one of them!

The Resource

Below are the at-a-glance list of keyboard shortcuts that you can print out, but for your ease of reference, we have also created a PDF document that you can download here.

The Challenge

It is not enough to have a print out of keyboard shortcuts and never using them.

So, our challenge to you here, at the conclusion of our Excel Series, is to pick one or two shortcuts per week that you feel you will benefit from. Practice them! Don’t just look at them. Incorporate it as part of your work, and soon it will become second nature.

And in the very near future, YOU will be the Excel Ninja that everyone “oohs” and “aahs” at.


Thank you for journeying this Excel Series with us. We trust that you have learnt a lot and have found the information useful.

Don’t forget to book your spot at any of our Excel courses to learn more about keyboard shortcuts, fancy functions, and a whole array of other useful Excel tips and tricks.

We look forward to seeing you soon!